Thursday, May 28, 2015

Take a chill-pill

Middle school, high school, college, or jobs.
They are all stressful in some way and I realize that
Today I’m going to help you through your stressful lives because you deserve time to yourself.
Middle school and high school; Finals believe me I know
Work piled up everything unorganized
A big jumble of work and personal life
Well time for you to separate that because like I said time to yourself is extremely important to the well being of you.
The stress can vary between low and high but it's always there; sometimes it overwhelms you but other times it helps you move forward.
I know it can be a lot to take in but the truth is you need to relax and know that everything is going to be alright.
That the big jumble will untangle and that it will fix itself out.
It helps to know that someone is there for you and I am.
If you are stressed or worried and feel like you have no where to go
Its not true, it really isn’t because you have so much potential that its blind to your eyes but not your friends, teachers, parents, and literally everybody.
I want you to take a minute to yourself
I want you to stop everything that you think you have done bad; test scores, anything that you feel you can hold against you.
Take a deep breath and I mean a deep breath
Focus on everything that you have done great; trophies, good test scores, what ever that makes you smile or be happy because that is what your mind needs to be filled with.
We don’t think we need help until we have buried yourself in a hole so bad that there is no way out.
I’m giving you the ladder, I will even buy it for you because you can’t drown yourself in so much stress that you feel like all is lost.
Trust me I have felt this way so much and the last thing I want is for people to feel like that.
Finals believe it or not is NOT THE FINAL breath for you.
See what I did there: so punny
Just take your mind off of it
You are smart and full of potential
When you get a job of course you are going to experience stress, maybe even more than ever but like I said you have to have sometime to you
If that job can’t make you happy in what you do, think about if it’s really worth it
Persevere for something that you can think about when you’re 60 and say
“Wow I’m so glad I took that job”  
Because you aren’t doing anything for anybody and you shouldn’t because then, then that stress will build up so much that you will be in that ditch all over again.
I want you to know that I know you are full of potential basically you are exploding with it.
Calm down and don’t worry because I know you will ace these finals and ace this job or job interview.
No matter what you do believe in yourself and let me help you close that ditch where all your stress is buried because it needs to stay there. So take your finals with confidence and take your job on with confidence but never forget to give a little time to yourself.
What ever you do, do it for you and let your stress melt away as you do great in what you do.  

Saturday, May 23, 2015

All aboard next stop Happy Town

what is it?
what does it mean to you?
what are you going to do to get it?
How far are you willing to go to make sure you are happy and others are happy too
I may not be a therapist or a doctor to prescribe anti-depressants but I will try my best to make you happy.
Look I may not know you, but one thing I do know is everybody needs to have just a little bit more happiness in their life
So that is my mission
A mission that will take a while, a mission that I am willing to complete and keep going forward with
Think of me like your acquaintance, a very peppy, talkative, loving acquaintance
Now you are probably thinking “Oh my god what does she know, she doesn’t realize what I’m going through” - well you are right I don’t know
What I do know is that somewhere you are hurting whether it be a bruise from soccer or a mental pain you are going through
I’m going to stay anonymous for now but I hope to one day be able to meet everybody and anybody I can help. Somewhere out there know someone loves you trust me they really do. Whether it’s your future wife, husband, child, friend, your mom and dad, or your dog,- yes dogs love too.  BUT how are you ever going to see the good, happiness, and life in people if you can’t see it in yourself. That’s where I come in because even though I don’t know you I DO LOVE YOU. You are special, one of a kind and I know that’s a cliche but at times cliches are right. You are but one single person out of 7 billion people on this planet.
Happiness is a balanced chemical equation - a really good friend Rohan Sonecha, seeing a bunch of balloons on your birthday, coming home and getting slobbery kisses from your dog, taking a hot shower, talking to your friends who make you forget about your everyday life and make sure you come first.  Because for once in your life you deserve to be treated the proper way. Given flowers to, getting chocolates and a gigantic hug because to me you do matter. You matter more than anybody.
NO I don’t know you but if you give me a chance I truly would love too
If everybody were to try to  know each other and actually be kind, life would be so much simpler.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi
“If you can’t fly, then run
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl,
but whatever you do keep moving forward” - Martin Luther King Jr.
“Live simply so others can simply live” - Mahatma Gandhi
You are one of a kind, these people were only one person on the planet too until they wanted to make a difference, wanted to bring out the best in people. So many things would of been different without them and they may not realize how much they have changed the world. What they have done from the beginning caused ripples making the world go so much smoother.
You must be thinking how do I matter well you do and the fact of the matter is you will never know if you do matter until you give it a shot.
These people are my heros and I know that they may not be yours but whatever they  said, I feel it can apply to all human beings all over the world.
Look how far we have come, look how far we can go. There is no limit to how happy or proud you can be of yourself. Many people would do anything to be happy but they don’t have to. Sometimes the happiest moments are the smallest ones. The first time you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels and fell but got up and started riding anyway. I feel like we have more courage when we are small then we do when we are older.  And maybe because we know consequences and we know better but sometimes knowing better keeps us from doing the things we love. We never give it a second chance. Second chances are a miracle because how many times do you think it will happen again. You have to keep pushing yourself, keep trying, keep falling but keep getting up, keep loving, keep persisting for your happiness and others, and keep knowing that you matter. Some people cause drama, cause pain, cause suffering, cause depression, and cause your sadness. If they are intentionally doing that they are the worst people out there and someone once told me don’t waste all your energy hating them but use that energy to make sure you're happy and just avoid them because they are not worth your time. He was right, actually beyond right he knew that there is no use for someone as great as you having to hate someone who did something so bad to you.  If they can’t see how amazing, how beautiful, how loving, and how much pain they have caused you then put them out of your life right now. Stop hating them use that energy to cause that wonderful ripple that makes your life and others move so much smoother. I know that I may not know exactly what you are going through but if you gave me a chance I want to help. I love helping and I love getting to know new people because I believe that I can help, I can cause a ripple, and I can bring happiness. I have been through a few not so great times in my life but I have a long road ahead of me and wherever that road takes me I am going to be there with my head held high looking for the best opportunity that place has to offer me. Life is like a big jar of mismatched jelly beans it going to take forever to sort out but you will get it done and yeah it will take all your energy but better using that energy making yourself happy then hating others and keep the people you truly love in your life the ones that make a star appear in the darkest nights, the ones that will help you sort out the jelly beans, the ones that will plant flowers along your long confusing roads, and most of all the one that makes you truly happy. Love everybody, have courage, be kind but most of all love yourself because you are amazing and that will never change.