Time truly does fly, 2016 passed by like a high speed train. For many 2016 has been a year of bad decisions, terrible experiences, and bad memories; for others it has been the complete opposite. Whether you had amazing experiences or terrible ones or just in the middle, it is important to keep the good memories and if you truly had none then create new ones; make 2017 the best of the best. It is a new year and like I say, live in the present. Whatever happened in the past happened, the ability to move on is extremely important. To me 2016 was a mixture of sad and happy times. From everything the world has been through just in 2016 is terrifying, from the bomb in paris to the very recent christmas market accident. Although I’m happy because the world is getting stronger, we are preparing ourselves and although all these events are devastating they are something that we are all going to learn from. What kills us does make us stronger, the world is something that we should cherish. Many people have very different experiences in the world, for example the Syrian refugees to 1st world countries. We are grateful for different things but all grateful for being able to have life on earth. I cannot begin to understand life for those who struggle everyday to put food on the table or those who sacrifice all to take care of their children. Those who live a life like this are amazingly brave, I admire what you do to provide for yourself or for your children. 2017 is going to be revolutionary as we go into a new beginning filled with more chances and more experiences. I think that 2017 is going to be great, we should start it off with a positive attitude. Every single day should be filled with better experiences and more knowledge. Make every day count, because that’s how you make a year, even a month great. Most of all be happy and conquer everything in the past that made you unhappy. Focus on the good, focus on making every day better because when you look back on how the year was that’s what you are going to notice. You are going to notice the good or bad experiences so make every experience great. Make your 2017 just a little brighter, happier, and filled with more good experiences. I hope all of you have an amazing 2017 and the many years to come ahead. I learned so much in 2016 that I will use to make my 2017 that much better. Remember to be kind and be happy because in the end that is what matters. :)
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Like a summer evening breeze in California
You can feel the wind touch your skin and it envelops you in a warm brisk hug.
Your mind is conquered by one thought, the everlasting picture you painted with the breeze.
Some may say that it's nothing but bland or basic, not realizing it's so much more.
It is gorgeous and luscious, it's soft but bold at the same time.
The stronger it gets the more confidence it has.
It's a symbol to stay strong and be confident, although it has it's shyer hues.
Mixture of something so pure like white ivory and a bold feather of a red macaw.
Everyone wishes for the confidence that it encompasses.
A statement piece and a subtle sense of uniqueness.
You fall in love with it and all that embodies it.
You realize how much you find yourself in it and the beauty you have.
Day by day you get new reasons why it is so beautiful.
The amount of joy that it brings you and how much more confidence you having it.
You cannot smile brighter.
Everyday you look at yourself and think the same way it does.
Suddenly the color pink engulfs you with everything it has.
I chose to write about this color because I wanted to represent Breast Cancer month. I think it's so important to realize how much power the color pink has, it embodies the amount of strength that the survivors and fighters have. I look up to those that take on the fight everyday of being faced with such a horrible thing. Although it is bad, it gives us a chance to really reflect on life and gives those not dealing with this a different perspective on life. Breast cancer happens to many around us and can even happen to us one day although I think staying positive really leads you into a happier life. I cannot stress this more when I say that pink is the best color to represent this. Pink embodies the amount of courage, beauty, and perseverance that these people exhibit day to day. Those who are dealing with this, stay strong because you are beautiful and although at the moment it may be hard and you don't want to fight anymore but this fight is worth it. You have a community dedicated to helping and a whole entire month for you to be reminded how much you mean to the world. I strongly encourage people to love pink because it portrays the community that has been built to help people with breast cancer. I have never had the experience of breast cancer but many have and I've seen them win this fight. But no matter what, you will always be the winner because your legacy will carry on in the heart of the community. You keep fighting and winning because in the end you are pink.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
The Symbol of Smiles and Search for Happiness.
Your cheeks hurt from the emotion on your face.
A shining glow, the type only achieved by such an emotion.
Such a small symbol that speaks so loudly.
You almost go blind and deaf from the everlasting symbol glued to your face.
This symbol representing everything you stand for in one bundle of joy.
A light in the darkest of times, and the only thing you would ever want glued to your face.
Signalling all who are close to show this symbol too because you know that it will have an effect on them.
A good effect, one that keeps you warm and safe.
A shield, fighting all that is evil and bad, driving away pessimism is it’s job.
Suddenly, in a whirlwind of events your symbol is lost.
Your protection gone and you are left vulnerable.
Afraid you will never find it again you start in this never ending cycle of despair.
Afraid your light, your voice, something you hold so dear to you will never be found.
Forever lost in a world so large and you don’t know how to speak anymore.
It was your voice.
It was your symbol.
But my friends you will take that symbol back again.
You will rise on top.
You will have a voice again.
You will be contagious and full of nothing but joy.
You will always be warm and safe.
Your protection will come and although it may get lost again you will always find it.
You will always find happiness.
I want you guys to remember no matter what happens, you will always be able to find happiness. Yes, sometimes you may not have it for a longer time and it feels like you are never going to be happy again, but YOU WILL. Never give up on being happy with yourself and what you are doing. Life isn’t always easy and there are so many challenges you have been through and will go through but the best thing you can always do it be happy. Look for happiness in small things because it will lead to overall happiness. Remember you can never be too happy. Be kind and smile :)
Monday, August 15, 2016
Great Way to End Summer.
Summer is coming down to it's last wonderful, fun-filled days! This year I will be attending my first year of high school. I KNOW AH! I'm looking forward to it though; I know it will be filled with new experiences and even more exciting opportunities. By talking to a wide variety of people this summer I learned a lot about myself and what I'm want to do in the future. I learned that self-worth is not measured by the grade you get but by how you study and carry yourself if you do not get the grade you wanted. In our society grades have been talked about the wrong way, as in making kids believe that grades determine how successful you will be in life. Although getting good grades in an important aspect in life, it isn't everything. It's one thing to do well in studies but it's another to be able to know your strengths. I'm not the best at tests and at first that was hard to accept. I know I will get better, by studying harder and making sure that I know that grades don't determine self-worth. Yes, grades are important but you need to be able to fail in order to do better. "Only those who dare to fail greatly, ever achieve greatly" - Robert Kennedy. People who are amazing at tests might not be great at public speaking, and that's their weakness. Eventually they will work on that too, because let's be real, everyone has a weakness. You will always have someone better than you at something, but that doesn't mean they are better than you at everything. This not only applies to school but life in general. Excuse me, for I'm about to use the most cliche quote ever! "Nobody is perfect". Which is cliche but also very true, it's hard for many people to realize this and many need to be told multiple times. You can try and think about the most perfect person and you will find one thing they can always improve on. Improvement will always be there because there is ALWAYS something that you can be greater at.
Not only was this a big thing that I learned this summer, but so was finding my uniqueness and special sparks. Everybody has many special qualities, and deserves to have the confidence in them. So go ahead, yes you, and name 5 amazing things about you and comment below. I want you all to realize the sparks in you that make you oh so special. "Cause there's a spark in you. You just got to ignite the light, and let it shine" - Katy Perry's words of wisdom. No, but really comment :) it will make my day and yours, guaranteed, have the confidence to admit to yourself that you slay everyday. Anyway, to inspire you to comment I will name a few that I believe make me special: I can create a conversation with different age groups, I am kind and generous and believe in second chances and new beginnings, and I will be there for anyone who needs a friend because I love helping people. These are a few things that I've been able to find confidence in, because I believe that it's something that makes me who I am. I've been taught by many people to love me for me, regardless of grades, beauty (everyone is beautiful), achievement of others, and flaws. I'm excited for this new chapter in my life to "ignite that light" because I know and believe that I will do something great. I've surrounded myself with an amazing community and I encourage everyone to do the same. Find people who not only see the special sparks but help increase your confidence in them and support you throughout life. It's important to be able to know boundaries and be happy with yourself. I hope that people do comment and tell me their sparks, because then I will know that I helped you realize the most special parts that make you, you. Find yourself, believe in yourself and most importantly enjoy life :) .
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
32 from 2002-2015 with a death toll of more than 5 people, and 49 in just 2016, 7 months! Within America, a place where many people seek refuge from the war that they face in their home country, a place where people look to as a beautiful and peaceful country. I am 14 years old and I have survived 81 mass shooting just in America, not to mention the many shootings in other countries which has affected the world as a whole. War. Hate. Death. Is that what the world has truly come to? Question is why? Why such hatred? Why so much death? America has survived many mass shootings and we are losing more people to mass shootings than to any disease or old age. And for what, for good, for fun? When a new mass shooting occurs we pray for that specific country when we should be praying for the world. The world is losing people. Although it may be in one place it is affecting everyone, everywhere. I don't know why this is happening but I want to find out. I want to help those who have lost a family member. I want to help those who have been injured in these awful events, both emotionally and physically. Not only are these killing people but it is taking a toll on many lives. Just because someone from a specific religion does a terrible thing it DOES NOT mean that, that religion as a whole is bad. We are letting terrorists control us by making us say hateful things to those who may follow that specific religion but are tremendously hurt by the act too. In WWII we sent Japanese to camps because their country did something bad. We then felt a lot of guilt as we killed over 226,000 people, and what good did that do us; absolutely nothing. We should look to this as an example of what cannot happen again. We shouldn't show hatred to those who have been affected the same amount as us. We are all human and we are here together on one planet. We can't let hatred, war, and death take over us. There are some out there that do believe in these vile acts but we cannot let those people take us over. Make us do things that we will regret. There are more good people on this planet then there are bad. We should use that to our advantage. It's completely revolting what these people do but we can't let it keep happening! We should take action together, not independently, because we are here to help each other. What is war going to do? Has it ever achieved anything good? So many people died in wars, someone's child, brother, sister, husband, wife, mother, and father. What good is it to start more? I cannot express in words how sick to the stomach it is but is this what the world has turned into, a melting pot of death, hatred, and war? I do not want this to be the type of place my children grow up in and more importantly I grow up in. It shouldn't be a place where any child or person should grow up in or remember as the last thing before they die.
Not to mention the previous attack with the highest death toll since 9/11. The orlando shooting was heartbreaking. I had to read the headline again just to make sure this happened because I couldn't believe it! Yes, many people don't agree with gay or lesbian relationships but doesn't mean you have to hate people who do and who are. If one thing I know that is similar to all religions is that God does not want a world where people hate and hate and nothing more. We are all human and love is love. We may not agree but we should accept. We should accept that every single one of us is human and we should have the decency to accept people for who they are! Yes, they may be different, but what is this world without people who are different. To the world, different people are the color to a child's coloring book. Each child colors differently and has a different style and we do not make remarks to that so how is it any different to older people. People who are outside the lines, who think out of the box, who are beautiful just the way they are. The orlando shooting affect America greatly and also the world, but we need to realize that this action has been supported by the protesters who go against LGBTQ rights. They made it okay for this to happen but now we can clearly see the massive affect it has had. Think of the world as a school, the people who carry out these actions, bullies, the protesters, as bystanders, and the people being hurt as the victims. Bystanders simply let the bully hurt the victim. They do not help or speak up or defend the victim. They watch as the bully keeps hurting the victim until the worst happens. Do not be a bystander, instead help the victim because as a bystander you are no better than the bully. We need to starts accepting people and build a refuge for everybody so nobody feels vulnerable or prone to the worst. NOBODY got any benefit from these actions and nobody is happy with it! So then why is it okay for people who can't accept the different to hate, to make it okay for other people to hate? EVERYBODY is human and the sooner we accept that, the sooner it makes the world a better place. A safe haven where people can be who they want to be and not get put down or torn for their uniqueness, the thing that makes them beautiful. The people that do still hate are still human but the type that make it okay for these actions to happen, but like I said there IS more good than bad. We may not be able to bring back the dead but we can prevent more people dying for the same reasons. I may not have a lot of experience in the world but I have survived 81 mass shootings 20 bombings with a death toll of more than 50, which should make everyone sick to the stomach because I am only 14 and I do not want to grow up and see more deaths for the same reasons and more wars for no reason. We can achieve greater by simply accepting the different and loving them for who they are and not causing war and reeking havoc by bombing and killing innocent people. Work together as a world instead of independently because we can achieve so much more and do greater things in a lesser period of time. I support everyone and I want to grow up seeing people do the same.
Not to mention the previous attack with the highest death toll since 9/11. The orlando shooting was heartbreaking. I had to read the headline again just to make sure this happened because I couldn't believe it! Yes, many people don't agree with gay or lesbian relationships but doesn't mean you have to hate people who do and who are. If one thing I know that is similar to all religions is that God does not want a world where people hate and hate and nothing more. We are all human and love is love. We may not agree but we should accept. We should accept that every single one of us is human and we should have the decency to accept people for who they are! Yes, they may be different, but what is this world without people who are different. To the world, different people are the color to a child's coloring book. Each child colors differently and has a different style and we do not make remarks to that so how is it any different to older people. People who are outside the lines, who think out of the box, who are beautiful just the way they are. The orlando shooting affect America greatly and also the world, but we need to realize that this action has been supported by the protesters who go against LGBTQ rights. They made it okay for this to happen but now we can clearly see the massive affect it has had. Think of the world as a school, the people who carry out these actions, bullies, the protesters, as bystanders, and the people being hurt as the victims. Bystanders simply let the bully hurt the victim. They do not help or speak up or defend the victim. They watch as the bully keeps hurting the victim until the worst happens. Do not be a bystander, instead help the victim because as a bystander you are no better than the bully. We need to starts accepting people and build a refuge for everybody so nobody feels vulnerable or prone to the worst. NOBODY got any benefit from these actions and nobody is happy with it! So then why is it okay for people who can't accept the different to hate, to make it okay for other people to hate? EVERYBODY is human and the sooner we accept that, the sooner it makes the world a better place. A safe haven where people can be who they want to be and not get put down or torn for their uniqueness, the thing that makes them beautiful. The people that do still hate are still human but the type that make it okay for these actions to happen, but like I said there IS more good than bad. We may not be able to bring back the dead but we can prevent more people dying for the same reasons. I may not have a lot of experience in the world but I have survived 81 mass shootings 20 bombings with a death toll of more than 50, which should make everyone sick to the stomach because I am only 14 and I do not want to grow up and see more deaths for the same reasons and more wars for no reason. We can achieve greater by simply accepting the different and loving them for who they are and not causing war and reeking havoc by bombing and killing innocent people. Work together as a world instead of independently because we can achieve so much more and do greater things in a lesser period of time. I support everyone and I want to grow up seeing people do the same.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Be the change
To be completely honest there is so much bad in this world. It hurts to see something bad happen or something bad that happened and you can't do anything about it. To know that you could not have prevented it and you just have to deal with it. Even though you have to deal with it, you do not have to settle for something worse than you know you can achieve. Yes, there is a lot of bad in this world and as painful as that is you have to start making a change. "Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi. This quote has so much depth to it. It has more meaning to it than just words said by a famous person. This quote is one of those things that you will always remember because it is true in so many ways. The bad can always be fixed, don't fall to the idea that once you make a bad decision it is going to determine who you are. It does not, it was a decision that you once made and you can't ever change that but you don't have to stop living the wonderful life you are given because of it. You make a bad decision and you move on, you be the change. Change yourself for the better and learn from that decision. A lot of people have made decisions that they regret and wish never happened, but wishing isn't going to do anything. You need to act upon it. You need to do something about it. Be the change. That one bad decision does not determine your future, you are so much more than that decision. Yes, bad is out there but as people it is our job to make sure that we control the amount of bad decisions and choices that we make and help those who surround us make better ones. Balance and take over, because for every bad choice we should make many more good choices. It's not easy changing that quickly but a steady growth is all we need to see to know that we are in fact making a difference. I cannot stand to watch the wrong done to my friends, to society, to the world. We only have one planet and we need to change it for the better. Maybe save a little more water for those who need it, don't take the simple privilege of food for granted, and most of all be kind to one another. Kindness goes a long way in a bad world. Be that light at the end of a dark tunnel.
Have you ever seen a documentary about the Holocaust, 9/11, refugees, or just simple bullying? I have and let me tell you how moving and chilling those are. To hear the voice of someone who survived the Holocaust, to listen to the rude comments made by bullies; it breaks my heart to see why they would say such things. Just like the quote, there is so much depth to a person, so many stories and memories. Not all may be good but the fact that they have moved on to a better life makes all the bad in their life just another challenge they beat. Trust me that strength shines, it shines brighter than any star in the universe because whatever bad you have been through you past and that's all I can wish for someone. I wish for everyone of this planet to be happy and to pass that speed bump knowing that they are on to much better things. They made a change in their lives and will slowly be making a change in others. I want to see the good outweigh the bad. I want to see those who have been through so much be rewarded because they deserve it. Everyone deserves to be happy and no one deserves to be put down or left in the valley of the bad memories with no ladder to climb out. Help those in need with kindness and strength and let that pit of bad be buried with all the kindness that you have. Be the change you want to see in the world. Live your life with a kind heart and open to everyone because you will inspire them to be better too.
Have you ever seen a documentary about the Holocaust, 9/11, refugees, or just simple bullying? I have and let me tell you how moving and chilling those are. To hear the voice of someone who survived the Holocaust, to listen to the rude comments made by bullies; it breaks my heart to see why they would say such things. Just like the quote, there is so much depth to a person, so many stories and memories. Not all may be good but the fact that they have moved on to a better life makes all the bad in their life just another challenge they beat. Trust me that strength shines, it shines brighter than any star in the universe because whatever bad you have been through you past and that's all I can wish for someone. I wish for everyone of this planet to be happy and to pass that speed bump knowing that they are on to much better things. They made a change in their lives and will slowly be making a change in others. I want to see the good outweigh the bad. I want to see those who have been through so much be rewarded because they deserve it. Everyone deserves to be happy and no one deserves to be put down or left in the valley of the bad memories with no ladder to climb out. Help those in need with kindness and strength and let that pit of bad be buried with all the kindness that you have. Be the change you want to see in the world. Live your life with a kind heart and open to everyone because you will inspire them to be better too.
Monday, May 9, 2016
Chase your dreams
There are better things in life than worrying about when you are going to get a boyfriend or girlfriend, when you are going to be super rich, what time will be YOUR time to shine. If you keep worrying and worrying all the energy that you should put into something better will be drained because you are simply worrying about something that you are wishing for. I once heard someone say “Don’t follow your dreams chase them.” You should never just follow your dreams but pursue them with all your will and heart because one day that goal or aspiration of yours will come true and you will sit there with a smile from eye to eye. You are going to have so many dreams that you will want to chase and I encourage you to chase all your dreams no matter what the outcome. If you sit there wondering what the outcome will be you would never be able to spend energy and all that chasing. Life is full of obstacles and lifts and climbs and downfalls but once you know where you are going, you shouldn’t worry about what comes in your path; because you WILL get through it. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s true. There is so much good each of you can do to this world and not everybody wants to put their energy into it, they simply just watch and see what happens. You are vital and important to this world. It is necessary that you do your part. If you always wanted to be a doctor; take night classes and study your butt off to get a PHD. You will help a lot of people. If you want to be a writer, get a journal or even start on napkins. All you need is your will, a piece of paper and something to write with. You will inspire the world with your words. I don’t know what I want to be yet, but I’m not going to waste my energy worrying about what college I get into or how much money I’m going to make because all I want to do is inspire others and make good of my energy - like a lightbulb. You may never know what comes about your way but there is no point looking too far ahead in the future or in the past. Live in the present because that’s all you can change. I worry a lot about stuff that I don’t need to and that is not helping me. I realized that that’s not going to change or help my result or outcome. There is so much that I’d rather be doing than that. I encourage you all to do something you have always wanted to and have been too scared of the outcome because one day you will be too tired from all that worrying you won’t have the energy too. Go chase your dreams and run like the wind to catch them because no matter how much energy you put into that you WILL get somewhere. I hope that you guys all trust in yourselves and remember that you are doing something to help this world. Keep doing what you are doing a spread positive vibes wherever you go to inspire others. One smile can go a long way. And remember - live in the present cause that’s all you got. :)
Sunday, March 20, 2016
I know I haven't written in a while but today is an extremely important day: It's INTERNATIONAL HAPPINESS DAY.
That means every happy moment needs to be celebrated today and no one is allowed to be sad because that's against the rules. Although I can't control every one's emotions I must tell you that there is one rule and only one rule and that is you must not be sad today because there is so much to be happy about. Honestly I think everyday needs to be International Happiness Day because every single day new memories are made and new happy moments are made. So today everyone needs to cherish the wonderful amazing moments that have happened in our life and the ones that are bound to happen. Today should be the day where literally nothing can stop you, YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. Happiness can empower you to do so much, it can empower you to do things that you never thought you could do. Happiness knocks all boundaries, it breaks down all the bridges or well at least helps you cross it because bridges are very important. Anyway going back to my point, happiness is extremely contagious and if you are happy you will inspire others to be happy. Happiness is one of those feelings where you can associate pictures or objects with it. There are so many images and objects that I associate with happiness like: baby animals, smiley faces, a high five, smiles in general, a laugh, an inspirational quote. Okay not all of these are objects but still, you guys see my point. If you believe in something then go for it because it will make you happy and today is all about making yourself and others happy. All the wonderful people in your life, go say thank you to them for making your life that much happier and tell them how happy you are to have them in your life. You will not realize how much you made their day but trust me you did. Make them feel invincible and empowered because someone cares so much about them. There are so many beautiful and wonderful things to be happy about, not just today but everyday. So many memories that will put a smile upon your wonderful beautiful face. I'm super duper excited that today is International happiness day, but your challenge should be to make everyday happiness day. It's so important that people are happy and are doing what makes them happy. I'm super super super super happy today and I try to be every single day because NO BODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN. Any 1 direction fans out there, you are welcome and those who aren't sorry. But you guys see me point, happiness gives you the drive that you can't achieve just like that. It comes in small moments, big moments, medium moments; size doesn't matter because happiness gives you an infinite amount of joy and power. Cherish the moments that make you the happiest and remember that there are infinite amounts of happiness in the future. STAY HAPPY :) and I would love to hear your stories about your happiest moments or things that make you happy; comment below or send me an email. HAVE A WONDERFUL FANTASTIC HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DAY. Remember you are unstoppable because YOU ARE HAPPY.
That means every happy moment needs to be celebrated today and no one is allowed to be sad because that's against the rules. Although I can't control every one's emotions I must tell you that there is one rule and only one rule and that is you must not be sad today because there is so much to be happy about. Honestly I think everyday needs to be International Happiness Day because every single day new memories are made and new happy moments are made. So today everyone needs to cherish the wonderful amazing moments that have happened in our life and the ones that are bound to happen. Today should be the day where literally nothing can stop you, YOU ARE INVINCIBLE. Happiness can empower you to do so much, it can empower you to do things that you never thought you could do. Happiness knocks all boundaries, it breaks down all the bridges or well at least helps you cross it because bridges are very important. Anyway going back to my point, happiness is extremely contagious and if you are happy you will inspire others to be happy. Happiness is one of those feelings where you can associate pictures or objects with it. There are so many images and objects that I associate with happiness like: baby animals, smiley faces, a high five, smiles in general, a laugh, an inspirational quote. Okay not all of these are objects but still, you guys see my point. If you believe in something then go for it because it will make you happy and today is all about making yourself and others happy. All the wonderful people in your life, go say thank you to them for making your life that much happier and tell them how happy you are to have them in your life. You will not realize how much you made their day but trust me you did. Make them feel invincible and empowered because someone cares so much about them. There are so many beautiful and wonderful things to be happy about, not just today but everyday. So many memories that will put a smile upon your wonderful beautiful face. I'm super duper excited that today is International happiness day, but your challenge should be to make everyday happiness day. It's so important that people are happy and are doing what makes them happy. I'm super super super super happy today and I try to be every single day because NO BODY CAN DRAG ME DOWN. Any 1 direction fans out there, you are welcome and those who aren't sorry. But you guys see me point, happiness gives you the drive that you can't achieve just like that. It comes in small moments, big moments, medium moments; size doesn't matter because happiness gives you an infinite amount of joy and power. Cherish the moments that make you the happiest and remember that there are infinite amounts of happiness in the future. STAY HAPPY :) and I would love to hear your stories about your happiest moments or things that make you happy; comment below or send me an email. HAVE A WONDERFUL FANTASTIC HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY DAY. Remember you are unstoppable because YOU ARE HAPPY.
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