Your image?
Boys and Girls
Why do we care about it so much we feel the need to change almost everything about us?
We don’t, we shouldn’t have to because honestly we are all beautiful
Our body doesn’t say who we are and what we are like
Our body is just something that holds everything we are made of.
I know a lot of people that our beyond gorgeous but once you really meet them you see how rude, obnoxious, and self-centered they really are.
They may pick on you because you are not a size 5 and they may make you feel worthless, like no one is on your side
Hey I know one person that will always be on your side, Me.
I have seen so much bullying whether it be on Instagram or in real life
I see that people worry so much on how they look they forget that while perfecting their looks, they are losing what’s truly important, their happiness and their pride.
I, myself worry about my looks but recently I realized that it’s not worth losing what everybody loves me for
That is what inspired me to write this, because I know what it is like to feel completely worthless and yeah it does hurt but trust me; I’m here because I may not tell the future but someday you are going to find someone who looks past your looks, past your makeup, your body, and they see only what truly matters your personality.
The beautiful, amazingly gorgeous personality that matters more than anything
You may not know how far your personality can take you but when you look back at how much time you spent worrying about your figure, you see how much you really missed out on.
The main goal in life should be to be happy with the things you did when you were younger, the things you are going to strive for, and the way you have achieved everything.
I know this may be focused a little more on girls but I know a few guys that care how they look so this is for everyone.
You need to take a look in the mirror and point out all the things that are good. Your beautiful eyes, or your blonde hair, or you perfect smile, your strong arms, your on fleek eyebrows, anything you see that makes you beautiful because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. no matter what anybody says or does you need to believe because the only thing that matters is what you think. So today i triple dog dare you to look in the mirror say something positive about yourself and say something different everyday because I’m sure that everything that makes you, you, is beautiful. So put a smile on your face and be happy because the only thing that people should see is that beautiful personality.