Christmas is coming up and one thing that I know would make your day is writing someone a compliment or giving someone that doesn't have all the things we do a toy or a gift. My blog is about making smiles appear in someone's hardest point or easiest because honestly everyone loves to smile. It not only makes you feel good but others to. It's contagious, honestly! This Christmas try something new, like an early new year's resolution or something that will help not only you but others around you. Write someone about how much you mean to them, just to give them a reminder that you are always there. Everyone has good days and bad days but you can always make someones day a little bit better and brighter with happy thoughts. You know that bright eyed look kids get when you mention Christmas well what if you could feel the way Santa did by just sending someone something like a compliment. I mean Christmas is about spreading joy and giving back because everybody should be able to enjoy something or the other. Merry Christmas and spread the joy. 
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Monday, September 28, 2015
Quotes To Live By
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I am not perfect and I don't have to be! Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley
Honestly this is so true, who are you to judge someone. You don't know what they are going through, everybody has their battles. Everybody has their weaknesses and strengths and no matter what the circumstances you have no right to break that. The way people live is the life they chose and the way you live is the life you chose. Don't go around butting into other peoples lives because it's not yours. Go live your life spontaneously. Plan everything out in your life, piece for piece. Travel the world for the rest of your life. It's your life and no matter what anybody says or does its your life and don't let anybody stop you from living it.
"You can do anything. If you have enthusiasm" - Henry Ford
You can't expect people to always push you when you the the biggest nudge because that push needs to come from you. I mean if you have the determination to do anything you can, no one is stopping you. Enthusiasm is something that everyone posses somewhere in themselves. I mean look Henry Ford built a whole company, because he was dedicated. I mean if you just have a spark of enthusiasm I believe you can overcome anything because you got the drive no all you need is the supplies and that part is easy. Drive on :).
"When the whole world is silent, even one voice can be powerful" - Malala Yousafzai
My inspiration and my reminder to be thankful for my education. Not to take it for granted. Malala is an amazing and empowering person. She thought that pens, books, and paper were more powerful than the bullet. She literally stood up for what she believed in and that takes a hell of a lot of courage. She said she told her story because it's not unique, because its the story of millions of girls. Education is not something to take for granted. It's a gift that we receive for the long run, it may not be a pair of beats or a new iphone. It's something so much more, it's the gift of knowledge. You can put knowledge to anything life throws at you.
These quotes are 3 quotes that I feel you could use everyday. The 3 most important things; Confidence, Enthusiasm, and A Voice. With these I mean, you can run the world.
Honestly this is so true, who are you to judge someone. You don't know what they are going through, everybody has their battles. Everybody has their weaknesses and strengths and no matter what the circumstances you have no right to break that. The way people live is the life they chose and the way you live is the life you chose. Don't go around butting into other peoples lives because it's not yours. Go live your life spontaneously. Plan everything out in your life, piece for piece. Travel the world for the rest of your life. It's your life and no matter what anybody says or does its your life and don't let anybody stop you from living it.
"You can do anything. If you have enthusiasm" - Henry Ford
You can't expect people to always push you when you the the biggest nudge because that push needs to come from you. I mean if you have the determination to do anything you can, no one is stopping you. Enthusiasm is something that everyone posses somewhere in themselves. I mean look Henry Ford built a whole company, because he was dedicated. I mean if you just have a spark of enthusiasm I believe you can overcome anything because you got the drive no all you need is the supplies and that part is easy. Drive on :).
"When the whole world is silent, even one voice can be powerful" - Malala Yousafzai
My inspiration and my reminder to be thankful for my education. Not to take it for granted. Malala is an amazing and empowering person. She thought that pens, books, and paper were more powerful than the bullet. She literally stood up for what she believed in and that takes a hell of a lot of courage. She said she told her story because it's not unique, because its the story of millions of girls. Education is not something to take for granted. It's a gift that we receive for the long run, it may not be a pair of beats or a new iphone. It's something so much more, it's the gift of knowledge. You can put knowledge to anything life throws at you.
These quotes are 3 quotes that I feel you could use everyday. The 3 most important things; Confidence, Enthusiasm, and A Voice. With these I mean, you can run the world.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
9/11 A Day to Remember
"The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there is light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is" ~ Joss Wheadon
Today marks one of the most devastating days in American history. Today marks the day that we honor people who have protected us and keep on doing besides the hardships and all the obstacles they go through. Soldiers I thank you because you are my heroes and always will be. You have showed more bravery, more heart, and more love to our country, to our people. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our country.
Today we lost over 3,000 people and we grieve but this also makes us stronger and more united. We as a whole should do more to honor these heroes. They don't get payed a lot but they deserve more than wealth. They deserve more love and more appreciation. I can't put in words how amazing they are. Any body who gives so much but doesn't get much back should be the cover of magazines and should be on posters everywhere. Everybody who has served; nurse, soldier, and general. America is more than thankful for what you have done. During 9/11 as the towers came down; fire fighters rushed to help, no matter how dangerous it was. America needs more people with big hearts such as every single soldier has. Their job is dangerous, yet they go out there knowing that they are going to protect our country and they will do that without hesitation. Fire fighters, police, and soldiers; you are all heroes. You have the best super power, the love for our country. You are more courageous and loving to everybody because you protect so many people. You are America's guardian angels and without you guys I may not have been able to thank you.
Our actions speak louder than words and on this day, that action is still speaking. Still speaking to every person who is proud to have people like you. Thank you.
A proud American
A moment of silence for all who have experienced this devastation first hand, but just know we are grieving with you. You are not alone because, we, America are a family. We will go through pain, happiness, sadness, and every other emotion but will come out stronger. We will be less prone to hurt because we know how to stand it out together. Thank you once again because without you, nothing would be possible.
"We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family who lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." - George W. Bush
Today marks one of the most devastating days in American history. Today marks the day that we honor people who have protected us and keep on doing besides the hardships and all the obstacles they go through. Soldiers I thank you because you are my heroes and always will be. You have showed more bravery, more heart, and more love to our country, to our people. We cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our country.
Today we lost over 3,000 people and we grieve but this also makes us stronger and more united. We as a whole should do more to honor these heroes. They don't get payed a lot but they deserve more than wealth. They deserve more love and more appreciation. I can't put in words how amazing they are. Any body who gives so much but doesn't get much back should be the cover of magazines and should be on posters everywhere. Everybody who has served; nurse, soldier, and general. America is more than thankful for what you have done. During 9/11 as the towers came down; fire fighters rushed to help, no matter how dangerous it was. America needs more people with big hearts such as every single soldier has. Their job is dangerous, yet they go out there knowing that they are going to protect our country and they will do that without hesitation. Fire fighters, police, and soldiers; you are all heroes. You have the best super power, the love for our country. You are more courageous and loving to everybody because you protect so many people. You are America's guardian angels and without you guys I may not have been able to thank you.
Our actions speak louder than words and on this day, that action is still speaking. Still speaking to every person who is proud to have people like you. Thank you.
A proud American
A moment of silence for all who have experienced this devastation first hand, but just know we are grieving with you. You are not alone because, we, America are a family. We will go through pain, happiness, sadness, and every other emotion but will come out stronger. We will be less prone to hurt because we know how to stand it out together. Thank you once again because without you, nothing would be possible.
"We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family who lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children." - George W. Bush
Friday, July 31, 2015
Peace, Love, and Joy
Recently I watched a movie that touched every heart in that theatre.
Not a love story nor action movie with a hero but something that is very real in this world.
A girl from Pakistan got into a tragic accident and with that accident she lost her voice.
Her mom and her took a huge risk in getting her help which also meant getting the right treatment which was all the way in Delhi.
As they crossed the border the gates closed but one thing was missing.
The girl.
A long way from home stuck at the border of India and Pakistan with no voice.
She hopped on a train which she thought was heading in the right direction only to find out it wasn't.
She woke up next morning in India; hungry, tried, and thirsty.
Soon she found a man and although this man had no clue who she was or where she'd come from he took care of her.
Gave her fresh food and milk.
Most of all he made sure she was safe.
He took her to the police hoping she just got lost in the crowd.
But in the back of his mind he knew she couldn't be left alone so he took her to a safe place.
He soon realized different things she did that didn't make her a normal Hindu child.
Instead of vegetarian food she preferred chicken.
Instead of a Hindu temple she ran to a neighboring Mosque.
But the biggest clue was that she cheered for the Pakistani cricket team instead of the Indian cricket team.
And as they hit the winning point she went up to the t.v and kissed the Pakistani flag.
Sitting there in awe he knew what he had to do.
Although him being a true Hindu worshiper he was extremely stumbled by this but knew that he couldn't leave her.
One day, he noticed a single tear role down her rosy cheeks.
Wondering what she was looking at that made her cry, he turned his head in her direction and saw a mom and daughter smiling from cheek to cheek.
Looking at each other with love, and soon it clicked for him.
She's missing one of the most important person in a child's life.
A Mother.
Soon after realizing this he did everything he could to get her a passport and visa so she could get back to her family.
Soon they found a way and although it was illegal this man took the risk because he knew that this girl needs her mom.
Finding out where the girl lived in all of Pakistan was the hardest part.
With the police hunting them and figuring out where she lived, this man risked everything to get her to her mom.
A girl that he only knew for about two weeks, he risked his life and was caught and tortured by the police all so this girl could get to her mom.
The girl was taken by a friend of the man's to her mom and the daughter and mother were reunited at last.
A touching moment that made everybody's heart sore.
Although as touching as this was it wasn't the end.
The Pakistani police soon realized that this man they are torturing brutally is not a criminal but someone who has touched the hearts of everybody in Pakistan and India. Not a criminal but a gentlemen, a hero.
They let him go in agreement that he would go back to where he came from.
As he took a step into India the girl ran up to the gate hoping he turn around.
She waved and waved and waved but knew it wasn't making a difference.
Soon this man hears "PAPA".
Everybody was soon silent wanting to know if it was real.
"PAPA" she said again.
He turns his head with tears of happiness and with love.
She crosses the Pakistani border and runs towards him jumps in his arms and gives him a bear hug.
This made me look at things so differently.
And sure effected everyone who watched it.
Peace is something that can't come with war.
It needs to come with showing love and care for people.
In my English class I learned about something that made me lose all faith in humanity.
Mutually Assured Destruction
This is a doctrine saying that basically grants total annihilation.
Meaning if two or more countries are using weapons of mass destruction against each other one country cannot defend itself but bring it's enemy down with them.
This is probably the scariest thing I have ever had to even picture in my life.
Everybody is trying for world peace but this is a guarantee that, that may never happen.
War isn't the answer at something but the easy way out.
That is not and almost never the right way.
Every country should look at this movie as an example of how smoothly the world would be if countries would listen instead of causing war and because of the weapons we have today war would have so many more casualties. We should strive for no casualties because every live is worth something.
I may not know a lot about many of the conflicts that countries go through and yeah maybe war has to be their but it should be our last resort and we should try to minimize the pain we cause to anybody.
Because we only have one planet of if we hurt it then well that's it.
Peace. Love. Joy
Not a love story nor action movie with a hero but something that is very real in this world.
A girl from Pakistan got into a tragic accident and with that accident she lost her voice.
Her mom and her took a huge risk in getting her help which also meant getting the right treatment which was all the way in Delhi.
As they crossed the border the gates closed but one thing was missing.
The girl.
A long way from home stuck at the border of India and Pakistan with no voice.
She hopped on a train which she thought was heading in the right direction only to find out it wasn't.
She woke up next morning in India; hungry, tried, and thirsty.
Soon she found a man and although this man had no clue who she was or where she'd come from he took care of her.
Gave her fresh food and milk.
Most of all he made sure she was safe.
He took her to the police hoping she just got lost in the crowd.
But in the back of his mind he knew she couldn't be left alone so he took her to a safe place.
He soon realized different things she did that didn't make her a normal Hindu child.
Instead of vegetarian food she preferred chicken.
Instead of a Hindu temple she ran to a neighboring Mosque.
But the biggest clue was that she cheered for the Pakistani cricket team instead of the Indian cricket team.
And as they hit the winning point she went up to the t.v and kissed the Pakistani flag.
Sitting there in awe he knew what he had to do.
Although him being a true Hindu worshiper he was extremely stumbled by this but knew that he couldn't leave her.
One day, he noticed a single tear role down her rosy cheeks.
Wondering what she was looking at that made her cry, he turned his head in her direction and saw a mom and daughter smiling from cheek to cheek.
Looking at each other with love, and soon it clicked for him.
She's missing one of the most important person in a child's life.
A Mother.
Soon after realizing this he did everything he could to get her a passport and visa so she could get back to her family.
Soon they found a way and although it was illegal this man took the risk because he knew that this girl needs her mom.
Finding out where the girl lived in all of Pakistan was the hardest part.
With the police hunting them and figuring out where she lived, this man risked everything to get her to her mom.
A girl that he only knew for about two weeks, he risked his life and was caught and tortured by the police all so this girl could get to her mom.
The girl was taken by a friend of the man's to her mom and the daughter and mother were reunited at last.
A touching moment that made everybody's heart sore.
Although as touching as this was it wasn't the end.
The Pakistani police soon realized that this man they are torturing brutally is not a criminal but someone who has touched the hearts of everybody in Pakistan and India. Not a criminal but a gentlemen, a hero.
They let him go in agreement that he would go back to where he came from.
As he took a step into India the girl ran up to the gate hoping he turn around.
She waved and waved and waved but knew it wasn't making a difference.
Soon this man hears "PAPA".
Everybody was soon silent wanting to know if it was real.
"PAPA" she said again.
He turns his head with tears of happiness and with love.
She crosses the Pakistani border and runs towards him jumps in his arms and gives him a bear hug.
This made me look at things so differently.
And sure effected everyone who watched it.
Peace is something that can't come with war.
It needs to come with showing love and care for people.
In my English class I learned about something that made me lose all faith in humanity.
Mutually Assured Destruction
This is a doctrine saying that basically grants total annihilation.
Meaning if two or more countries are using weapons of mass destruction against each other one country cannot defend itself but bring it's enemy down with them.
This is probably the scariest thing I have ever had to even picture in my life.
Everybody is trying for world peace but this is a guarantee that, that may never happen.
War isn't the answer at something but the easy way out.
That is not and almost never the right way.
Every country should look at this movie as an example of how smoothly the world would be if countries would listen instead of causing war and because of the weapons we have today war would have so many more casualties. We should strive for no casualties because every live is worth something.
I may not know a lot about many of the conflicts that countries go through and yeah maybe war has to be their but it should be our last resort and we should try to minimize the pain we cause to anybody.
Because we only have one planet of if we hurt it then well that's it.
Peace. Love. Joy
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Just Another Lesson
Lessons are something that people learn all the time.
Piano lessons, life lessons, swimming lesson, and so much more.
These lessons are like atoms, the first essential of life
You have to learn how to crawl, walk, talk, laugh, play, so basically everything.
Even though they are painful sometimes and boring they all play an extremely key role in what we do and how we act.
We look up to elders because they teach us first but soon we realize the young teaches us a lot too.
They teach us how to feel careless again and not worry about anything.
They teach us that chubbier is better.
They teach us to laugh at simple things like someone tearing paper or another baby smiling.
Lessons don’t always come simple and not all of them are just right in front of you.
Like how atoms build up to things; lessons build up to more lessons which build up to better lessons until finally you reach your answer.
Although your answer will not always be answered quickly.
Time is a crucial part in lessons and I’ve learned that from my parents.
Even time itself teaches you a lesson.
That everything grows and evolves at it’s own pace.
I may not be an adult but one thing I do know is that lessons are really important.
My parents have taught me so many lessons.
Sometimes I don’t even know what I’ve been taught until I apply it later and see that they were right.
Lessons are things that everyone has to share with the world.
We learn lessons in so many ways and we may not even know what exactly we have learned until it hits us that we didn’t know this before.
When I see toddlers I see how happy and free they are.
They don’t care what others think.
They play with whomever they want to.
But when I see middle schoolers, they have separated themselves.
Suddenly appearance matter, how thin and beautiful the are matters.
Yes I’ve felt this way many times and I learned from one of my friends it really doesn’t.
She taught me to love who I am and I realized it wasn’t that difficult.
Lessons are something that society needs to function.
America learned that love is love.
I felt like we always knew that but the lesson just hadn’t kicked in yet.
Lessons build as to who we are today.
They let us keep growing and keep loving.
Simple things come with lessons.
The lesson may be right in front of you or it may be far far away.
What ever the lesson is and who ever the lesson is taught by, listen because you don’t know what may come of it.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Sweet and Simple
Screaming and screaming yet no one hears
Drowning in my own thoughts every night thinking what I did wrong
Finding out nothing I did,
The feeling that drives me crazy
No one can hear , no one bothers to ask what’s wrong
Ignores me as if everything is fine
Then one day finally that one beam of light
What’s wrong ?
Not expecting for you to say nothing but knowing that something is wrong
Finally the last hope for me
But not of sadness but of Laughter
And Screaming from a late night movie
Knowing that someone is there
A timeless feeling like no other
Joy and Laughter from a babies laugh into a pixie filled with magic
You see as long as you have hope you have light
Leading to Laughter which leads to something magical
Where there is Laughter there is Magic and where there is Magic there is Hope
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Deep comes in many forms
Thoughts floating and us trying to catch them
Bringing them back to Earth for us to use
We have brains and no one uses it for good causes
War and brutality
Hunger and homeless
What do we have to offer to the world if we can’t do good
We strive for ourselves, each one of us but few, few out there have been suffering
Suffering in cold and war and if we send astronauts in space why can’t we gather our thoughts
So much greed and violence why is one question rarely asked
Why such violence
Why such greed
One planet
7 billion people
Share it and make peace because we have one planet
Share it as if we are sharing a cookie everyone is from the same cookie jar but we all have different number of chocolate chips
We love our families and friends
Why not love everyone
All the same yet all unique
Everyone is here for a reason
This reason is not to fight
Not to create violence
But to find peace
Find the goodness in others
And let that bring out the goodness in you
Friday, June 12, 2015
Summer is here
Sun shining, birds singing, bees flying, and us; well we are enjoying
That’s what summer is for
Taking a break from the fast paced life to just take a break
Hang out with old friends
Making new friends
Creating adventures that you will be able to tell your kids and grandkids
Everything is right where it is suppose to be
A stress free environment
Memories made that will last a life time
Laughing until you can’t because it hurts so much
Watching movies until the sun rises again
Building forts
Eating watermelon
Just truly enjoying the fact that you have a break
Make a bucket list
Drink water from a box
Everything you do make it a great memory
Something that will make you smile every time you think of it
One of those smiles that you know made your day
Make s’mores
Oh so many things summer offers us
Bike rides
Swimming (everyday)
water balloon fights
water balloon fights
Hanging out with friends
Guys hope you have a great summer
Guys hope you have a great summer
Keep enjoying it we have so much more to go
Find new things to do each and every day
Pursue them and be happy in what you do
Always remember that
Have a great summer
Sunny side up
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Summer just around the corner, turn that corner with confidence
Your image?
Boys and Girls
Why do we care about it so much we feel the need to change almost everything about us?
We don’t, we shouldn’t have to because honestly we are all beautiful
Our body doesn’t say who we are and what we are like
Our body is just something that holds everything we are made of.
I know a lot of people that our beyond gorgeous but once you really meet them you see how rude, obnoxious, and self-centered they really are.
They may pick on you because you are not a size 5 and they may make you feel worthless, like no one is on your side
Hey I know one person that will always be on your side, Me.
I have seen so much bullying whether it be on Instagram or in real life
I see that people worry so much on how they look they forget that while perfecting their looks, they are losing what’s truly important, their happiness and their pride.
I, myself worry about my looks but recently I realized that it’s not worth losing what everybody loves me for
That is what inspired me to write this, because I know what it is like to feel completely worthless and yeah it does hurt but trust me; I’m here because I may not tell the future but someday you are going to find someone who looks past your looks, past your makeup, your body, and they see only what truly matters your personality.
The beautiful, amazingly gorgeous personality that matters more than anything
You may not know how far your personality can take you but when you look back at how much time you spent worrying about your figure, you see how much you really missed out on.
The main goal in life should be to be happy with the things you did when you were younger, the things you are going to strive for, and the way you have achieved everything.
I know this may be focused a little more on girls but I know a few guys that care how they look so this is for everyone.
You need to take a look in the mirror and point out all the things that are good. Your beautiful eyes, or your blonde hair, or you perfect smile, your strong arms, your on fleek eyebrows, anything you see that makes you beautiful because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. no matter what anybody says or does you need to believe because the only thing that matters is what you think. So today i triple dog dare you to look in the mirror say something positive about yourself and say something different everyday because I’m sure that everything that makes you, you, is beautiful. So put a smile on your face and be happy because the only thing that people should see is that beautiful personality.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Take a chill-pill
Middle school, high school, college, or jobs.
They are all stressful in some way and I realize that
Today I’m going to help you through your stressful lives because you deserve time to yourself.
Middle school and high school; Finals believe me I know
Work piled up everything unorganized
A big jumble of work and personal life
Well time for you to separate that because like I said time to yourself is extremely important to the well being of you.
The stress can vary between low and high but it's always there; sometimes it overwhelms you but other times it helps you move forward.
I know it can be a lot to take in but the truth is you need to relax and know that everything is going to be alright.
That the big jumble will untangle and that it will fix itself out.
It helps to know that someone is there for you and I am.
If you are stressed or worried and feel like you have no where to go
Its not true, it really isn’t because you have so much potential that its blind to your eyes but not your friends, teachers, parents, and literally everybody.
I want you to take a minute to yourself
I want you to stop everything that you think you have done bad; test scores, anything that you feel you can hold against you.
Take a deep breath and I mean a deep breath
Focus on everything that you have done great; trophies, good test scores, what ever that makes you smile or be happy because that is what your mind needs to be filled with.
We don’t think we need help until we have buried yourself in a hole so bad that there is no way out.
I’m giving you the ladder, I will even buy it for you because you can’t drown yourself in so much stress that you feel like all is lost.
Trust me I have felt this way so much and the last thing I want is for people to feel like that.
Finals believe it or not is NOT THE FINAL breath for you.
See what I did there: so punny
Just take your mind off of it
You are smart and full of potential
When you get a job of course you are going to experience stress, maybe even more than ever but like I said you have to have sometime to you
If that job can’t make you happy in what you do, think about if it’s really worth it
Persevere for something that you can think about when you’re 60 and say
“Wow I’m so glad I took that job”
Because you aren’t doing anything for anybody and you shouldn’t because then, then that stress will build up so much that you will be in that ditch all over again.
I want you to know that I know you are full of potential basically you are exploding with it.
Calm down and don’t worry because I know you will ace these finals and ace this job or job interview.
No matter what you do believe in yourself and let me help you close that ditch where all your stress is buried because it needs to stay there. So take your finals with confidence and take your job on with confidence but never forget to give a little time to yourself.
What ever you do, do it for you and let your stress melt away as you do great in what you do.
Saturday, May 23, 2015
All aboard next stop Happy Town
what is it?
what does it mean to you?
what are you going to do to get it?
How far are you willing to go to make sure you are happy and others are happy too
I may not be a therapist or a doctor to prescribe anti-depressants but I will try my best to make you happy.
Look I may not know you, but one thing I do know is everybody needs to have just a little bit more happiness in their life
So that is my mission
A mission that will take a while, a mission that I am willing to complete and keep going forward with
Think of me like your acquaintance, a very peppy, talkative, loving acquaintance
Now you are probably thinking “Oh my god what does she know, she doesn’t realize what I’m going through” - well you are right I don’t know
What I do know is that somewhere you are hurting whether it be a bruise from soccer or a mental pain you are going through
I’m going to stay anonymous for now but I hope to one day be able to meet everybody and anybody I can help. Somewhere out there know someone loves you trust me they really do. Whether it’s your future wife, husband, child, friend, your mom and dad, or your dog,- yes dogs love too. BUT how are you ever going to see the good, happiness, and life in people if you can’t see it in yourself. That’s where I come in because even though I don’t know you I DO LOVE YOU. You are special, one of a kind and I know that’s a cliche but at times cliches are right. You are but one single person out of 7 billion people on this planet.
Happiness is a balanced chemical equation - a really good friend Rohan Sonecha, seeing a bunch of balloons on your birthday, coming home and getting slobbery kisses from your dog, taking a hot shower, talking to your friends who make you forget about your everyday life and make sure you come first. Because for once in your life you deserve to be treated the proper way. Given flowers to, getting chocolates and a gigantic hug because to me you do matter. You matter more than anybody.
NO I don’t know you but if you give me a chance I truly would love too
If everybody were to try to know each other and actually be kind, life would be so much simpler.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” - Mahatma Gandhi
“If you can’t fly, then run
If you can’t run, then walk
If you can’t walk, then crawl,
but whatever you do keep moving forward” - Martin Luther King Jr.
“Live simply so others can simply live” - Mahatma Gandhi
You are one of a kind, these people were only one person on the planet too until they wanted to make a difference, wanted to bring out the best in people. So many things would of been different without them and they may not realize how much they have changed the world. What they have done from the beginning caused ripples making the world go so much smoother.
You must be thinking how do I matter well you do and the fact of the matter is you will never know if you do matter until you give it a shot.
These people are my heros and I know that they may not be yours but whatever they said, I feel it can apply to all human beings all over the world.
Look how far we have come, look how far we can go. There is no limit to how happy or proud you can be of yourself. Many people would do anything to be happy but they don’t have to. Sometimes the happiest moments are the smallest ones. The first time you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels and fell but got up and started riding anyway. I feel like we have more courage when we are small then we do when we are older. And maybe because we know consequences and we know better but sometimes knowing better keeps us from doing the things we love. We never give it a second chance. Second chances are a miracle because how many times do you think it will happen again. You have to keep pushing yourself, keep trying, keep falling but keep getting up, keep loving, keep persisting for your happiness and others, and keep knowing that you matter. Some people cause drama, cause pain, cause suffering, cause depression, and cause your sadness. If they are intentionally doing that they are the worst people out there and someone once told me don’t waste all your energy hating them but use that energy to make sure you're happy and just avoid them because they are not worth your time. He was right, actually beyond right he knew that there is no use for someone as great as you having to hate someone who did something so bad to you. If they can’t see how amazing, how beautiful, how loving, and how much pain they have caused you then put them out of your life right now. Stop hating them use that energy to cause that wonderful ripple that makes your life and others move so much smoother. I know that I may not know exactly what you are going through but if you gave me a chance I want to help. I love helping and I love getting to know new people because I believe that I can help, I can cause a ripple, and I can bring happiness. I have been through a few not so great times in my life but I have a long road ahead of me and wherever that road takes me I am going to be there with my head held high looking for the best opportunity that place has to offer me. Life is like a big jar of mismatched jelly beans it going to take forever to sort out but you will get it done and yeah it will take all your energy but better using that energy making yourself happy then hating others and keep the people you truly love in your life the ones that make a star appear in the darkest nights, the ones that will help you sort out the jelly beans, the ones that will plant flowers along your long confusing roads, and most of all the one that makes you truly happy. Love everybody, have courage, be kind but most of all love yourself because you are amazing and that will never change.
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